ミルクスライムさんとyukichiさんのコラボスライム「ユニコーンフラペチーノ」 A collaboration slime "Unicorn Frappuccino" by milk slime a...
懐かしさを感じるラーメン店へ!神奈川県横浜市『ラーメンショップ マンザイ』に伺いました。千葉の旭市にある萬歳(マンザイ)に同じ名前のお店があり、こちらの店主はそこのご出身だったためそれを店名にしたのだ...
Can you say "yes"?E.E.M.? ٩(`・ω・´)و ■パトラTwitter ■パトラMembership...
Hi! I am Keith, a guy from Taiwan. I was a hair dresser and now being Youtuber. - Subscribe now! h...
i’ve been on a ghibli marathon lately so i decided to do a little vlog aesthetically inspired by the...
Getting our Tarot Cards Read is all the buzz right now, yes? The Thirsty Sisters are back with anot...
So I found the most weirdest things from Shopee and I decided to buy them and review them! YES I AM ...
here's an insight into what a line producer does which i'll summarise it to make it easier for peopl...
Pinterest galore!!! hehe i'm feeling trendyyyyy this week! here are some of my favourite go to eye l...